Security Assessment

In the era of growing cybersecurity threats, the integrity of supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems is critical for the uninterrupted operation of industrial processes. Our SCADA security assessment is designed to fortify your systems against emerging risks. Explore our methodology carefully designed to expose vulnerabilities and strengthen your SCADA system against potential cyber threats.

Why our SCADA security assessment matters

In the modern industrial operations landscape, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems stand as the backbone of critical infrastructure. Our SCADA security assessment is essential because it helps identify weaknesses and vulnerabilities in supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. By conducting this assessment, we can proactively address security risks, protect critical infrastructure, and prevent potential cyberattacks that could disrupt operations and compromise sensitive data.

Methodology Overview

Pre-Assessment Scheme

Tailor our approach to your unique SCADA environment through collaborative pre-assessment discussions.
This ensures a focused and effective assessment of your specific security needs.

Asset Identification

Compile a comprehensive list of SCADA assets, classifying them by criticality.
This step allows for a targeted assessment, focusing efforts on the most critical components of your industrial control system.

Threat Modelling

Identify and prioritize potential threats, both internal and external, to understand the risk landscape.
This guides subsequent assessment activities and allows a proactive security stance.

Risk Assessment

Perform a thorough vulnerability scan to find weaknesses in your SCADA systems.
Prioritize vulnerabilities based on severity, addressing critical issues first to increase overall system security.

Vulnerability Scanning and Penetration Testing

Automated vulnerability scans to identify potential vulnerabilities in the SCADA systems.
Simulate real-world cyber attacks to assess the resilience of your SCADA systems.
Identify potential points of compromise and evaluate the effectiveness of existing security controls.

Network Security Review

Evaluate the overall security of your SCADA network architecture, focusing on protection against unauthorized access and potential breaches.

Authentication and Access Control Assessment

Review user authentication mechanisms, authorization procedures, and access control policies.
Verify that only authorized personnel have access to critical SCADA functions and data.

Incident Response and Recovery Planning

Assess the effectiveness of your SCADA system's incident response and recovery plans.
Ensure quick and well-defined responses to security incidents, while establishing a robust recovery process.

Compliance Check

Verify compliance with industry standards and regulations.
Address any gaps and implement measures in line with requirements while minimizing legal and regulatory risks.

Documentation and Reporting

Comprehensively document the findings, including weaknesses and recommended corrective steps.
Provide a detailed report to facilitate informed decision making and action planning.

Why choose Stroviz?

SCADA Security Expertise

Our team has unparalleled expertise in SCADA security, backed by a track record of successful assessments.

Customized Solutions

We provide customized assessments tailored to the specific characteristics of your SCADA environment.

Collaborative approach

Engage closely with our experts during the assessment process for transparent and effective communication.

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Your SCADA systems deserve the highest level of security.
Partner with Stroviz for proactive security measures to protect your operations against cyber threats.
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